The Enclave Webring

A webring for all sorts of critters, creatures and assorted entities of the internet

powered by onionring!

Our Members

How to Join?

Step 1! Contact mynotaurus on cohost, fedi, or email (myno at zatzhing dot me) welp my email server died, to ask for your domain to be added to the list

Step 2! Put the following code at the bottom of your site (or wherever)

<div id='enclave-webring'>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Once you have done those two things, this ⤵ little widgetty thing should appear, and you will be part of the ring!

Why does it say ↢ and ↣?

You'll want to add <meta charset="UTF-8"> in your <head> to get your website to use Unicode.

(It's good practice to do this for all html files!)

Icon is by Lorc, under CC BY 3.0